Suffering From Metatarsalgia? 4 Signs You May Need Orthopedic Surgery

Posted on: 30 June 2020

Foot problems are no laughing matter. Unfortunately, many people hope that the problems will go away if they ignore them long enough. That's not the case. Foot problems will continue to get worse until the problem is resolved. Metatarsalgia is one problem that's often overlooked. Metatarsalgia involves the ball of the foot. Without proper care, the condition can affect your daily life. Luckily, treatment is available for metatarsalgia. Surgery is often recommended for severe metatarsalgia. Look at the information provided below. If any of the situations relate to you, it's time to speak to an orthopedic surgeon. You may need orthopedic surgery. 

You've Got Heel Pressure

If you're suffering from metatarsalgia, heel pressure is often the first sign of the condition. This usually happens when you spend too much time on your feet. This is especially true if you wear heels on a regular basis. High heels restrict the movement of your feet, putting too much pressure on the balls of your feet. If you feel hurt after wearing heels, or you feel tingling in the balls of your feet after a long day, you need to seek medical care.  

You Have Fallen Arches

If you've been diagnosed with fallen arches, you need to pay attention to your feet. Fallen arches can cause a variety of foot problems, including arthritis and tendinitis. If you have fallen arches, you're also at an increased risk for metatarsalgia. If you're sure about the condition of your arches, take your shoes off and head outside. Step in a puddle of water and then place your foot on the ground. If your footprint looks flat, you need to see an orthopedic surgeon. The foot pain you experience may be related to your arches. 

You Can't Stop the Pain

If you've got foot pain, it might be time to schedule an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon. Metatarsalgia can cause severe foot pain. You may feel shooting pain from the balls of your feet. Or, the pain may feel like you have a sharp object in one of your shoes. Both types of pain should be checked out by an orthopedic surgeon. This is especially true if the pain has gotten gradually worse over the past several weeks or months. 

You've had to a Foot Injury

If you've recovered from a foot injury, you might think the problem is resolved. Unfortunately, that might not be the case. Foot injuries can lead to other orthopedic problems such as metatarsalgia. The risk increases if you participate in high impact sports. The pressure on your feet can lead to stress fractures and other injuries. Once your foot heels, it's susceptible to problems associated with metatarsalgia. If you're still experiencing foot problems after an injury, talk to El Camino Center for Sports Medicine​ right away.
