Recovering From Your Knee Replacement Surgery

Posted on: 14 March 2023

Knee replacement surgery is a standard procedure for individuals with severe knee pain or arthritis. The surgery replaces the damaged or diseased knee joint with an artificial one. Recovery from knee replacement surgery can be challenging, but it is essential for regaining mobility and reducing pain. For patients that understand what to expect from their recovery, it is easier to be prepared for this process. 

What Is The Role Of Physical Therapy For Knee Replacement Patients?

Physical therapy is a vital part of the recovery process after knee replacement surgery. It involves exercises and other techniques to improve range of motion and strength. Physical therapy sessions are designed to help patients return to their pre-surgery level of function.

Post-operative exercises are an important aspect of physical therapy. They help strengthen the muscles around the knee joint and promote healing. These exercises may include simple movements like ankle pumps and knee extensions. However, it can also involve more complex exercises like squats and lunges.

Is It Difficult To Manage Your Pain Following The Procedure?

Pain management is a crucial aspect of recovery after knee replacement surgery. While some pain is normal after surgery, effective pain management can help reduce discomfort and speed up healing. Medications are often prescribed to manage pain after knee replacement surgery. In addition to pain medications, patients may also take anti-inflammatories to help reduce the discomfort that excessive swelling could cause.

Non-medical pain management techniques can also be effective in reducing pain. These may include icing the knee joint, using heat therapy, and elevating it. Your physical therapist can help you develop a pain management plan tailored to you.

What Kinds Of Limitations Will You Have During Your Recovery?

Managing daily activities is an important aspect of recovery after knee replacement surgery. It is essential to avoid putting stress on the new knee joint. Your physical therapist can provide guidance on managing everyday activities like getting in and out of bed or dressing. They can also recommend adaptive equipment and assistive devices to make these activities easier. For example, a raised toilet seat or shower chair can make bathing and using the restroom easier and less painful.

How Do You Keep Your Risk Of Complications Low During Your Recovery?

While knee replacement surgery is generally safe, there is a risk of complications. You must follow all post-operative instructions from your doctor and physical therapist. During your recovery, you will need to attend several follow-up visits to allow your doctor to assess the overall progress of your recovery. This allows any issues to be found before they develop into severe complications.

Contact a local surgeon to learn more about knee replacements.
