
  • A Guide To Dealing With Sports Injuries: From Prevention To Recovery

    Sports injuries are, unfortunately, a common occurrence for athletes of all ages and skill levels. Whether you are a professional soccer player or a weekend warrior, it’s important to know how to prevent, manage, and recover from sports injuries. In this guide, we’ll explore the different types of injuries you may encounter, how to prevent them, and how to deal with them in the unfortunate event that they happen. Prevention
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  • Signs That You Need To See a Doctor for Your Foot Pain

    Foot pain is a common problem that can affect anyone, regardless of age, activity level, or health status. Painful feet can have many causes, including injuries and chronic conditions. In addition, they can interfere with your daily life and well-being. Here are some signs that you need to see a doctor for your foot pain and what you can expect from a foot doctor. When To Seek Medical Attention for Your Foot Pain
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  • 4 Sports Medicine Therapies That Treat Injuries

    The human body is a wonderful organism capable of running, jumping, reaching, and lifting. Many people use their bodies to engage in vigorous forms of work and play. Unfortunately, sometimes injuries can result from physical activity. If you find yourself in pain or unable to do your regular activities due to an acute or chronic injury, a sports medicine doctor can help through the following therapies: 1. Physical Therapy The body's bones, muscles, and joints work together to provide pain-free motion.
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  • Recovering From Your Knee Replacement Surgery

    Knee replacement surgery is a standard procedure for individuals with severe knee pain or arthritis. The surgery replaces the damaged or diseased knee joint with an artificial one. Recovery from knee replacement surgery can be challenging, but it is essential for regaining mobility and reducing pain. For patients that understand what to expect from their recovery, it is easier to be prepared for this process.  What Is The Role Of Physical Therapy For Knee Replacement Patients?
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  • Is It Time To Have Your Prosthesis Refitted?

    Losing a limb changes a person's life forever. Most people who have a limb amputated, are born without a limb, or lose a limb due to an accident choose to utilize a prosthetic device to help restore some limb function. A properly fitted prosthetic device is able to facilitate basic everyday activities painlessly and easily. Unfortunately, many people fail to recognize when it's time to have their prosthetic devices refitted.
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  • Why Does Your Heel Hurt?

    Heel pain is a common cause of foot pain, and it keeps many people off their feet. Whether you are unable to work or you are taking pain medication to get through the pain day after day, you need to know the cause of your pain so you can get the right treatment. Heel pain can be caused by a variety of painful conditions and injuries. These are some of the likely causes of your heel pain.
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  • Tips For Recovering From Joint Replacement Surgery

    Are you going to have a joint replacement surgery and are concerned about the recovery process? Having a joint replacement surgery is a big deal and you may be feeling a bit apprehensive about getting it done.  If the recovery process has got you feeling a bit confused and anxious, knowing what you should be doing to speed up your recovery is the only way to make sure everything goes smoothly.
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  • Things to Know When Getting Started With Prosthetic Limbs

    When it comes to rehabilitating patients with lost body parts, prosthetics technology has come a long way since its inception. One of the most common uses of prosthetic technology is to evaluate, create, and fit artificial limbs for patients who have lost one or more limbs. Prosthetic arms can empower you to reach, grab, and lift, while prosthetic legs can allow you to stand, walk, run, and even jump. These artificial limbs are known as prostheses and have proven invaluable for rehabilitating those with lost limbs.
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  • Seeking Help From a Sports Medicine Physician for Chronic Lower Back Pain

    Certain types of athletic activities are associated with higher-than-normal rates of chronic low back pain. Rowing, golfing, and weightlifting are just a few examples. The sports medicine model of treatment focuses on conservative strategies. The goal is to significantly reduce symptoms, thus preventing the need for daily medication and eventual surgery. Sports medicine care by an orthopedist is also beneficial for patients suffering from low back pain due to other activities.
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  • Diagnosing And Treating TFCC Injuries

    The triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) is a group of connective tissues in the wrist that are responsible for keeping the connection between the hand and arm stable. There are many ways problems in the TFCC can occur, such as injury or because of degenerative changes in the wrist. Once the problem is diagnosed, there are multiple strategies to reduce pain and improve function. Symptoms Pain in the wrist is the most common symptom.
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